
Home » 统信UOS操作系统安装屏幕取色软件Gpick教程


sudo apt -y install gpick


sudo apt update


sudo apt-get -y autoremove –purge gpick








Ctrl+P – start picking colors with a floating color picker.

Shift+Ctrl+P – show/hide palette.

Ctrl+N – new palette.

Ctrl+O – open palette.

Ctrl+R – revert current palette.

Ctrl+S – save palette.

Ctrl+E – export palette.

Shift+Ctrl+E – export selected colors.

Ctrl+I – import palette.

Ctrl+Q – quit Gpick.

Ctrl+C – copy currently selected color into clipboard as text. First enabled converter is used to convert color to the text. If multiple colors are selected, then multiple lines are produced.

Shift+Ctrl+N – set secondary view to None.

Shift+Ctrl+B – set secondary view to Blend colors tool.

Shift+Ctrl+D – set secondary view to Brightness Darkness tool.

Shift+Ctrl+M – set secondary view to Color mixer tool.

Shift+Ctrl+G – set secondary view to Scheme generation tool.

Shift+Ctrl+L – set secondary view to Layout preview tool.

Shift+Ctrl+V – set secondary view to Variations tool.

Drag&drop in palette

Ctrl – drop color into other color.

Shift – move colors.

Color picker

Space – add to palette, copy to clipboard and/or rotate swatch. The behaviour of this shortcut key is configured in Options dialog Picker tab.

1 – select first slot.

2 – select second slot.

3 – select third slot.

4 – select fourth slot.

5 – select fifth slot.

6 – select sixth slot.

A – add all colors to palette.

E – edit current color.

Left – rotate selection in clockwise direction.

Right – rotate selection in counterclockwise direction.


1 – copy selected color into the first slot in color picker swatch.

2 – copy selected color into the second slot in color picker swatch.

3 – copy selected color into the third slot in color picker swatch.

4 – copy selected color into the fourth slot in color picker swatch.

5 – copy selected color into the fifth slot in color picker swatch.

6 – copy selected color into the sixth slot in color picker swatch.

Ctrl+1 – copy first slot in color picker swatch into selected color.

Ctrl+2 – copy second slot in color picker swatch into selected color.

Ctrl+3 – copy third slot in color picker swatch into selected color.

Ctrl+4 – copy fourth slot in color picker swatch into selected color.

Ctrl+5 – copy fifth slot in color picker swatch into selected color.

Ctrl+6 – copy sixth slot in color picker swatch into selected color.

E – clear names of selected colors.

N – name selected colors automatically by using color names.

A – name selected colors by using a constant text and number.

Delete – remove selected colors.

Ctrl+A – select all colors.


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